The Salvation of Jesus (2), the Value of Jesus' 'Cross' to the 'Old Man'
Unser Herr lebt, Issue 53, 2020
Gotthold Beck
In the previous article, we learned three things regarding the sin of humans and the value of the blood of the Lord Jesus. Firstly, by the blood of the Lord Jesus, the wall called sin, that used to separate humans from God was taken down, and this made it possible for humans to have fellowship with God. Secondly, when we deeply understand this fact, our guilty conscience disappears and thirdly, the accusation of the devil loses his influence.
In this article, I would like to continue the discussion and talk about the value of the 'Cross' of Jesus against our “old man.”
Once, we found ourselves perishing without knowing God, and with no hope, which made us cry out, “Lord, I am a sinful person who is destined to perish. Please forgive and save me.” At that moment, we have realized deep in our heart that the shed blood of the Lord Jesus has the power to cleanse all our sins. And this realization has made us repent and stand in faith, I believe that most of our brothers and sisters have shared the same experience.
In other words, we recognized that not only have we sinned, but we are “the sinners” who inherently have the nature of sin deep inside our beings, didn't we?